April 25, 2024

9 best supplements for arthritis 2021 – Medical News Today


Arthritis affects the joints of millions of adults in the United States. Supplements may help relieve pain and stiffness in the areas of the body in which arthritis has developed.

This article looks at which supplements may be beneficial for people with arthritis. It also…….

Arthritis affects the joints of millions of adults in the United States. Supplements may help relieve pain and stiffness in the areas of the body in which arthritis has developed.

This article looks at which supplements may be beneficial for people with arthritis. It also explores some of the best supplements and alternative treatments available.

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Please note that the writer of this article has not tried these products. All information presented is purely research-based.

Arthritis is a general term for conditions that affect joints or areas surrounding the joint. Arthritis can result in pain and stiffness in the affected area of the body.

There are approximately 58.5 million adults in the United States with arthritis.

Learn more about arthritis here.

The Arthritis Foundation (AF) states that some supplements may relieve pain, stiffness, and other symptoms of arthritis. It also suggests using supplements alongside arthritis drugs, not as a substitute. Medications are the only scientifically proven treatment to slow joint damage.

A 2020 review on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) indicates that some supplements may have beneficial effects. However, research into the impact of diet and dietary supplements on RA is limited.

Furthermore, the AF highlights the importance of consulting a doctor before taking any supplements for arthritis. Some supplements may interact with other medications or cause side effects.

It is also of note that there is little research into the effectiveness of supplements.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not evaluate dietary supplements before they enter the market, which may make it difficult for people to assess supplement quality.

The FDA also underlines the value of seeking guidance from a doctor about supplements.

One of the ways to find quality supplements is to look for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) label. COA labels come from independent third-party companies, such as:

According to the NSF, supplements with a COA label have often undergone testing for:

  • harmful levels of contaminants
  • undeclared ingredients
  • product standardization
  • accurate ingredient labeling

Some supplements have different benefits than others. In the sections below, we list supplements and their possible benefits.


Curcumin is one of the main components of turmeric that may help block inflammation. It may also promote heart health and prevent other conditions. However, curcumin supplements may cause blood thinning.

A 2015 study on …….

Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/best-supplements-for-arthritis

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